Summer time is the best time to enjoy the lawn but it can also have the biggest toll on your grass.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to keep your lawn looking good throughout the summer season and with the right tools and treatments at your fingertips, you simply can’t go wrong.

Persistent hot and dry weather can quickly affect the appearance and overall health of your grass, so moisture is key!

Enjoy your lawn!

Don’t forget to enjoy the lawn during the summer months!

It’s the perfect place to host garden parties, barbecues and to enjoy sunbathing and garden games while the weather is warm and the rest of the garden is looking good.

Don’t worry too much about damage, your lawn is there to be enjoyed and as long as you follow the advice below, it will bounce back quickly.

Mow regularly

You will now probably need to increase the regularity with which you mow your lawn.

If the conditions are ideal for growth, you may need to cut twice a week to keep it looking good.

Don’t be tempted to cut the lawn too short when it is hot as this can cause damage.

If you are going away on holiday, cut the lawn normally as close to your leaving date as possible.

Use an edging iron to keep lawn edges neat and tidy.

Feed and condition

Apply a feed to keep your lawn looking green and healthy. Aftercut 3 Day Green can be applied directly after mowing and can be used every 3 to 4 weeks until October.

It contains a blend of nutrients to support and sustain your lawn during the season, giving you greener grass in just 3 days!

This will also protect against hot, dry weather, as a well-prepared lawn that has been properly fed and treated is better able to withstand and recover from drought.

Keep on top of weeds and moss

Small patches of weeds can be treated effectively using a selective weedkiller, such as Resolva Lawn Weedkiller.

For larger areas of weeds, or if moss is also present, apply Aftercut All in One. Lawns treated with this product in the spring may need a second application if the moss or weeds are persistent.

Keep a watch out for chewed lawn roots and patchy lawns that may indicate a problem with leather jackets and chafer grubs. These are underground larvae that feed on grass roots and be controlled using naturally occurring nematodes.

Look after new lawns

Keep newly sown lawns and freshly turfed areas well watered in dry spells.

Ensure you water thoroughly, light watering can cause damage by encouraging roots to the surface.

Water at dusk and really soak the area so that the water filters through to the soil around the roots.

Start planning for a new lawn

It is not a good idea to sow a new lawn in the summer months as the soil is too dry. Postpone sowing until early autumn when your new lawn has a much better chance of success.

There’s plenty you can do in the summer to prepare for this:

  1. Mark the area where you want to sow your new lawn with string
  2. Kill off any weeds with Resolva 24H
  3. Dig over the whole area, breaking up clods of soil. Incorporate Westland Horticultural Sand to improve the texture of heavy clay soils
  4. Rake over the ground so it is as level as possible
  5. Wait until autumn to sow your lawn.