Tasks for June

Tasks for June2018-12-10T10:04:00+00:00

Tip top lawns

Keep lawns in tip-top condition with a little extra attention through summer and they’ll reward you by providing the perfect setting for your plants as well as seeing you through all the picnics, barbecues and football matches of summer. You should be cutting the lawn regularly by now, ideally once a week: make sure the mower blades aren’t set too low, [...]

Categories: June Tasks, Lawn Care|

Rose attention!

Keep your roses blooming for longer with a little extra attention this month so they can keep performing at their absolute peak. Roses are wonderfully easy to grow, producing a summer’s worth of blooms in return for an annual prune and a good rich soil. But there are a few little tricks you can use at this time of year to [...]

Categories: June Tasks|

Getting ready for the fruiting season

Get strawberry beds ready for the fruiting season now and you’ll keep them happy and healthy with fruits at the peak of perfection until they ripen and you can enjoy them to the full. Start by giving your strawberry bed the once-over, removing any weeds and large stones and watering your plants if the weather is dry. A handful of granular [...]

Categories: June Tasks|

Plant pots for pollinators

Butterfly Conservation is inviting you to Plant Pots for Pollinators again this year– proving you can help butterflies, bees and other pollinating insects even without a garden at all! The annual campaign began as an attempt to help reverse the worrying decline in pollinator numbers, encouraging gardeners to plant up a container or three with flowers chosen with pollinators in [...]

Categories: June Tasks|

Open again: world’s largest glasshouse

The world’s largest glasshouse, the Grade 1 listed Temperate House at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, is open to the public again after a five year, multi-million-pound restoration. The Victorian glasshouse, first opened in 1863, had deteriorated to such an extent that by 2012 a survey found it was in a state of disrepair and should be closed. Kew decided to [...]

Categories: June Tasks|

Gardening tasks for June

Flaming June, and the flowers are at their dazzling best, the sun is out more often than not and the evenings are luxuriously long. What better place to be than out in your garden? Here are a few of the jobs you can be getting on with while you’re there: General tasks: Burn weeds off paths with a flame gun [...]

Categories: June Tasks|
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