Tasks for March

Tasks for March2018-12-10T10:04:06+00:00

Top 5 reasons to grow conifers

Conifers have been used in gardening for many years. From vast landscapes to smaller gardens. You find conifers in parks and botanic gardens, out in the wild of the land and everywhere in between. At times over the years, they have even been given a bad reputation but not only are they great for structure, colours and texture but [...]

March Tasks|

10 ways to get started in organic gardening

Nowadays we’re all looking for ways to garden more organically, using fewer manufactured chemicals and creating a healthy ecosystem in our gardens. Making an organic garden doesn’t happen overnight, but with a few changes to your gardening habits, you’ll soon see the benefits. Here are our top 10 tips on preparing your vegetable garden for organic growth this year. [...]

March Tasks|

Welcome spring into your garden

It is time to welcome spring into your garden with an abundance of much-needed colour from spring bulbs and tree blossom. The garden birds start to sing, and it’s time for wildlife to wake up from the colder months gone by. As the trees and hedgerows begin to green up and seedlings are growing in the greenhouse, this time [...]

March Tasks|

How to prune roses

Pruning roses doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply follow a few basic principles, then sit back and enjoy the gorgeous blooms of your favourite roses this summer. Tips on pruning roses Pruning roses produce healthier, better-shaped plants, with more flowers and less risk of disease. So it’s well worth learning how to do it right. First of all, here [...]

March Tasks|

Broad bean plants

Plant early broad beans outside for a head start that should have you picking scrumptious fresh beans by early summer. Broad beans are incredibly hardy and germinate in cooler soil than most, so they’re among the first veg to go into the plot in spring. Any variety of broad bean can go into the ground at this time of year, and [...]

March Tasks|

Looking after your Camellias

Spruce up your camellias after flowering to keep them neat, as these handsome evergreens can start to look a little messy as their winter and spring blossoms fade. These drooping blooms not only look unsightly, but they can also become problem spots, encouraging pests and fungal diseases to set in and infect the rest of the plant too. Check over the [...]

March Tasks|

Planting asparagus crowns

Plant asparagus crowns now to enjoy one of the most delicious and long-lived crops in the garden. Asparagus is fantastic value for money, as once you’ve planted it your crop will provide fat, succulent spears with each spring for 20 years or even more! Choose your variety carefully, as you’ll be picking it for some time to come. Modern all-male varieties [...]

Great Daffodil Appeal

Four gardens filled with illuminated daffodils are launching this year’s Great Daffodil Appeal, the annual fundraising drive by terminal illness charity Marie Curie. The charity unveiled its ‘Garden of Light’ at Caernarfon Castle in North Wales featuring a giant 10ft tall daffodil lamp, lighting up each time anyone sits in the yellow armchair beneath. The chair is covered in 300 daffodils [...]

March Tasks|
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